We are proud to announce the TooonTime family tri-toon only poker run that will benefit Marina Park and the Tuscarora County Fire Department!
$10,000 in total cash prizes and $5,000 to win!
Prizes are awarded and announced at the Saturday evening event. In order to be considered for any prizes you must be present to win, you must turn in a genuine TooonTime poker hand: in unopened envelopes during the designated time at the Marina park
Awards party. Should you miss a card stop, a replacement card will be available at the Marina Park
Awards Tent. Hands must be turned in before 7:00 pm on Saturday night! Cash prize based on minimum
entries reached. Limited to the first 100 registrations and registration will be closed after maximum is reached.
*Note: All Coast Guard rules and regulations apply! ANY violations results in a forfeit of entry fee and removal
of event. Trailer parking and slippage at the owners discretion and NO reservations provided by
TooonTime. All parking and docking in designated areas ONLY.